Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A New Year Wish for You

I was thinking I might write something inspirational about the new year, about leaving the old behind because focusing on the past is a waste of time, and about being more present in the present because focusing on the unknown future is also a waste of time.

Now, notice I did not say planning for the future is a waste of time, but focusing on the unknown future is a waste of time, because when we focus on the future, usually that means we are worrying about it. Planning for the future, on the other hand is what this message is all about.

Each of us has an opportunity every day to make ourselves, and our lives anew. For the new year, I like to clean out the old ( I made a trip to the thrift store this last week, the car full of boxes of unused clothes, dusty books, and brick-brack that has lost it’s meaning), and make room for the new. I also like to think about how I can improve myself, with the thought in mind that if I can improve on me, then everything around me will get caught up in that new and improved “vibe”, and my life will change for the better. I think I could improve on me by spending a little more time exercising, and making a commitment to meditate 10 minutes ( or more) each day. These two changes are simple and very do-able. I've already started.

That is something that I think we all may be thinking about this new year- changing our lives for the better. It’s been a tough year for a lot of people, and ignoring that fact is like tip toeing around the elephant in the room. We can’t change what has happened to the economy, the housing market, stocks and our savings. We can’t get back the lost jobs, and we can’t ignore the fact that it’s been a challenging year. We probably all know someone who has been affected by the events in the past year.

So for the new year, I hope that we can all let go of the past, look to the future and know that change is inevitable, and that change, although challenging and even frightening at times, means that there is the possibility for something new, unexpected and really good to happen.

While I was pondering this new year message, This e-mail came from James Ray international, a motivation organization. I think it outlines some great steps for anyone thinking about how to improve their lives for the New Year. I wanted to share it with you. I pondered each step outlined by Mr. Ray, thinking about how it related to me, my life as it has been and how a change, based on some of these suggestions could effect my life in the future. I think it's really helpful, and I hope you to do.

I'm wishing you a happy, healthy and prosperous new year, full of life affirming change that takes you to the place in your life that you really want to be! Peace, -Meandering

James Arthur Ray
James Ray International

Ten Tips for Thriving in This Economic Winter

Many of you have read and commented on our recent conversation about how it's a season to sow, how there's so much fear in our world right now and how it's related to some of the universal laws that modern society has forgotten.

Well, you asked for some quick, easy-to-apply tips on how to thrive in this economic winter and on how to apply the knowledge you learned during our conversation... So here you go!

  1. Clearly define what inspires you.
    There's a big difference between taking action out of inspiration versus desperation. Use this season as an opportunity to hibernate into the recesses of your own mind and define what you choose to create in your next spring.
  2. Control your focus.
    Energy flows where attention goes. Are you focusing on lack or opportunity?
  3. Feed your mind.
    What's your constant mental diet? Do you spend hours in front of the scare news or are you reading good books, attending more positive seminars, watching uplifting DVDs and listening to powerful CDs?
  4. Strengthen your body.
    Your physical health and vitality have a tremendous impact on your performance as well as your mental and emotional fitness. Exercise releases stress as well as strengthen your body and mind.
  5. Inventory your friends.
    Doom and gloom attracts more doom and gloom. Jettison those "energy vampires" around you and surround yourself with opportunity seekers.
  6. Quiet your mind.
    Take time to meditate daily and to slow down if only for a few minutes. Ten to fifteen minutes of meditation will relieve hours of stress and increase creativity and resourcefulness.
  7. Rid your life of escapist activities.
    Overindulgence in TV, sleep and alcohol only accelerate the problems you're attempting to avoid.
  8. Make a daily gratitude list.
    Focusing on all the good, gifts and God in your life puts you in the right line of thought, feeling and their subsequent actions, which will attract and create more good, gifts and God.
  9. Change your attitude.
    Realize that everything that's happened in your life thus far is here to serve you, teach you and help you grow. Find the lessons in your past results, forgive yourself for anything you could have done better and apply the lesson to move forward and create a better future.
  10. Get resourceful.
    For the next three days, go to a place where you can have uninterrupted time... Come up with 20 new ideas to grow your income, create new results and improve your life. You cannot leave your spot until you have twenty. And no editing! All ideas are good ideas. Do this for three successive days with 20 new ideas each day.

    Now take your list of 60 unique ideas and pick the three to five most powerful and leveraged ones to put into action. Pick these three to five based on: ease of implementation, rate of return and speed of return.

And so during this winter season, remember: It's not about resources... there are plenty of them. It's about resourcefulness. Get resourceful and get busy.

To your continued wealth and happiness,

James Arthur Ray
James Ray International

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