I think there are two types of people in the world, those who love cats and those who don't.
Just like there are two kinds of people when it comes to living in the southwest desert. there are those who arrive, are enchanted ( the light, the vastness, the colors!) and vow to never leave; and those who arrive, start to whine (there's no green, it's to hot, it's to dry, my wood furniture is cracking , I miss the rain, I found a 5 inch poisonous millipede in my bathtub. whine!) and can't wait for the economy to pick up "back east" so they can go home.
But I confess, I digress.
If you are one of those who have not yet been enchanted by cats, let me clue you in. Research shows cats heal! Yes, hallelujah, praise the lord and be healed.
Apparently someone asked these questions- why do cats ( from the big wild cats to the smallest domestic) purr when they are sick and injured? Aren't they only supposed to do this when content and relaxed? And then they set about figuring out why.
You can read the whole story here:
In a nutshell folks it says that the frequency of a cats purr aids in tissue healing and increases lung function. This is not really that far out, I mean , for years the medical profession has been using electrical frequency to repair and build bone cells.
So the researchers took it one step further and asked, if the purr helps heal the cats injuries, can it heal someone who hears the cat purr? The answer? Yes. So now you can buy a CD with the sound of a cat purring to listen to when you are sick or injured. Personally I would rather have my very own cat purring in my ear.
I was thinking of this as I lay in bed and listened to the cat who was wrapped around my head. Now, if you are a cat person you know it's not unusual to find a cat wrapped around your head. In fact, for years it was thought that a cat could steal your dreams by wrapping around your head, but I haven't found that to be true. Maybe it just allows them to listen in.
If you are not a cat person, it might seem a little odd to wake with a four pawed purring turban, but believe me it's worth every nip on the nose, lick on the eyeball and little paw in the ear. I've got no problem with picking a cat hair outta my eye lashes now and then, or waking up and finding my pillow is under the cat instead of my head. It's worth it to awake to the healing purr of a cat.
I always take a moment to just press my ear against him and listen. I let my mind find the vibrational frequency and my breath find the rhythm of his purr. I may not be sick or injured, but hey, a little healing vibe can't hurt, and it's a relaxing and comforting way to start the day.
So I was thinking, isn't this a really good, scientifically proven example of the way nature heals? Maybe those feline worshiping Egyptians were right after all, maybe cats do have incredible powers we haven't fully realized.
Even if you are not hep to the new age lingo and theories of energy and chakras and all that, I'm sure you have heard at least a whisper of what the new quantum physics tells us about this energy field we live in. There is energy all around us, and everything is connected, right? And maybe nature was designed or evolved to give us everything we need. We just have to listen.
1 comment:
I love this Auntie Joan. It makes me miss my "Four Pawed Purring Turban" JB I wish I could have her in the dorm..!!
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