Thursday, June 5, 2008

I admit it- I got Carried away over the weekend.

Yes, I made my small contribution to the 55.6 million opening weekend of Sex And The City. Sorry Indy, but you had a good week or two as top dog, now move it on over for the girls in Jimmy Choos.

Honestly, I couldn’t help myself any more than the salmons of Capistrano can help flocking together and heading south. (While we are talking movies, tell me which one I just referenced and I will put your name up in lights!) Now maybe I should explain, because if you happen to be a regular reader, by now you know that I don’t watch TV. Movies, yes. TV, no. Except when someone recommends a good series and I can find it on DVD’s. Which is exactly how I got the SATC fever.

A trusted friend told me I would find it funny, so I sought it out at the library. I didn’t start with season one, I couldn’t find it. I started, I think with season two. It was colorful, somewhat entertaining, and then I saw the scene where Miranda takes a seat at a bar next to a nice looking guy and they strike up a conversation. They have mutual interests, he has manners, he is single, they have a few laughs.

Miranda is just thinking that this guy is pretty nice and maybe there is a chance they could get to know each other better, maybe all the good guys are not gay or married, and he excuses himself to go to the loo. He stands up and he is the height of the bar stool. No I kid you not, the guy was about 4 foot 6. I laughed so hard I thought my brains were going to fall out. I was hooked. Obviously this was a show that any girl could relate to, and have a good time doing it. I watched every episode of every season.

Now, if you have plans to go see this little gem, and I hope you do, don’t read any farther! I’m not kidding. Just stop right now and get your butt back to work. Don’t continue! I’m about to spill the beans about Big, the girls, the guys, the shoes, the purses and the whole rest of this fashion laced fairy tale.

I don’t go to the movies much, so maybe my impression of it is a little askew, but I don’t remember the last time the theatre was so full. Just about every seat was taken. That makes the movie more fun in my opinion. With a full theatre you can feel the movie in magnified terms.

For example, when Steve admitted his infidelity to Miranda, there was a collective gasp the size of a mushroom cloud. You could feel it! I didn’t have to see everyone else to know that their mouths were hanging open too. This, to me, was the biggest shocker of the movie. I mean, my God, everybody likes Steve, we all trusted him, he had wormed his way into our hearts with his patience, understanding and stupid jokes. He was the least likely to break his vows! How could he!

I was not at all surprised when Big left Carrie standing at the alter with just her bridesmaids and designer gown, It did not surprise me to learn Charlotte was “preggies” even though we all knew a long time ago she couldn’t conceive and she and that cue ball headed Jewish hot house she’s married to already had adopted. I was not surprised when Sam called it quits with her arm candy- although I was a bit shocked that she would end up a dog owner. But my God, Steve’s confession came out of left field and the whole audience was shocked.

(by the way, what is with these tiny dogs? Is everyone in NYC enthralled with dogs the size of armadillos? Couldn’t Charlotte trade those three tiny fur balls in for one long legged champion and have a better daily run and less combing to boot? I mean, now that they have two kids, won’t she be to busy to groom three dust mops?)

Carries little Eiffel tower purse was the best supporting fashion and probably should have been the star. The wedding gown was given the spotlight but I really was not that impressed with it. Sam’s “going to Mexico with the girls” outfit was more noteworthy. As for the purse Carrie gave her assistant? I loved it. I usually prefer more geometric and simplistic purse designs, but hey, it was beautiful, wasn’t it?

And the blue shoes, who were cast as Cinderella’s slippers? Yes, I loved them, just my color, however I don’t think I would ever cram my big feet into something like that. Did you see the heals on those babies? Yikes!

Speaking of Cinderella, yes, we all know Sex and The City is a fairy tale, with a little day time soap thrown in. The glamour, the guys, the money, the fashion, the happy endings. Fairy tales are supposed to help us figure ourselves out. They teach us something about our psyche. They bring the big issues into focus.

Yes, we know it’s a fairy tale, a wonderful one. And, just like a fairy tale should, watching the movie caused a big truth lurking under my unconscious mind to surface. Something I would not have accessed with out help from this fairly tale movie. I finally realized the truth. Sometimes it’s hard to face the truth, and even harder to admit it to someone else. Right now I’m going to reveal the truth to you, and in doing so, I hope to unleash the healing.

The truth is: I don’t care what they say about Carrie’s fashion sense, to me, it’s immature. Yes, I said it. Carrie’s outfits are not good fashion, they are an attempt to look fashionable and they fall short. The one with the real fashion sense is Miranda.

OK, it’s out in the open now. I feel better. Now, maybe you could use a dose of unconscious stirring and revealing yourself, if so, hop on down to the matinee and see the movie. Even if you were not a regular fan, you are going to enjoy the images. I guarantee you will see something revealing.

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