Thursday, February 12, 2009

Mix and Match Romantic Poem Maker

Today, I'm going to help you impress your loved one for Valentine's day with out spending a bundle. What could be more romantic than poetry? What could be more impressive than a poem you wrote yourself? Not a writer you say? Well, that is why I invented this handy mix and match poetry writer just for you.

It's pretty self explanatory, however, this is the main idea- pick a line from each section and put them all together. Sign your name, and hand to loved one; or memorize and recite at just the right moment. Not sure when the right moment is? Well, heck, I can't do everything for you- you are just going to have to play it by ear!

Part One: Pick a Title-
Personally I love that famous first line from Elizabeth Barrett Browning, that goes like this:
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I think it would make a fine title.
Now, everyone knows that line, and there is a reason you only know that line. Elizabeth's poem really goes downhill from there. I could not make sense of it even when I tried to think like a Victorian, so I recommend you just steal the first line.
You could also use " All the reasons","My ode to you" or "Two hearts now one".

Part Two: Pick your next line or two from these variations-
But how my love, could I count them all? They are far to many.
To count them all would take the time it took to carve the Grand Canyon.
But how can I? For before I finished my bones would be dust.
With everything I am, and everything I hope for.
With heart, soul and intention.
1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8.. ( you get the idea, carry on as long as you like)

Part Three: Elaborate using a few of the following-

More numerous than the stars in the sky, or the grains of sand on all the beaches in this world.
As many as all of the creatures that inhabit the ocean.
Like the number of waves that have ever touched land.
As the number of leaves on every tree in the great forests of the world.
To count them all would take all the time that the earth has circled the sun.
With my mind and my body.
With joy and affection.
With a passion unknown until now.
With joy at the prospect of our future.
Wouldn't it be great if we had a date?
I could go on counting until hell freezes over, but I would rather kiss.
Tell me when to stop.

Now wrap it up with one of these:

With out end, as light speeds forever across the open reaches of space.
As all the minutes of time that have passed, I count, waiting to see you again.
Like the number of hairs on your hairy little body. (This is the poem-for-a-cat option.)
With fire and passion that will never wain.
With undying love and affection.
I'll pick you up at 7, don't be late!
What do you say?
Last but not least is Elizabeth's last line of her famous first line poem:
I shall love thee better after death.(I think she must have believed in the after life or reincarnation or one of those other wacky Victorian themes).

Sign your name, and you are good to go! No need to thank me, I'm always asking myself how I can help others. I'm happy to do it. I hope you get a lot of mileage out of your poem-
Happy Valentine's Day!

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