Monday, May 26, 2008

It's grown into a Octopus!

I'm working on the next post, which I thought would be a simple article, relatively easy to spit out. However, it's grown into a octopus, tentacles wrapped around me. I'm splashing and flaying around, trying to calm the beast and slip out of it's suction cup arms, but I just have not yet found firm ground for my feet or the proper leverage to wiggle free of the beast.

It started with a simple idea, then grew into pages of meanderings, researched facts and dubious legends. Like any noteworthy monster, it's bigger than life. I'm struggling to keep my head above water as I whack the beast down to a reasonable article size.

Check back in a few days and ( I hope) you will find me triumphantly standing with the beasts head on a platter.

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