Sunday, June 8, 2008

Sudden Spike in Popularity Mystifies Writer

Thank You all you new fans who stopped by to read my post and check out my profile in the last week.

It is so much fun to check the counter and see that it's really starting to count! It's exciting to know that my writing is attracting people. Maybe when I grow up I really will be a writer. Yeah, yeah, I'm a writer now, but I mean one who makes I living writing, or at least a secondary, "multiple streams of income" kinda income from writing.

I mean, here it is 5 months after my first post, and in the last week I've had more new readers than in the previous 4 months and 29 days. I've been averaging 20 new readers a month, I've had five times that in the last week!

For those of you who have not blogged- when you read my posts you don't register on the counter, because you are assumed to be a previous reader. When you read my profile you are counted, assuming you are a new reader, smitten with my writing and checking out this fabulous author's profile.

All I can figure is it has to do with the last post and SATC fever. I wrote something that someone enjoyed reading and wanted to share with friends. They may have clicked on the little envelope and sent it to all their SATC fan friends. They must have been so charmed that they had to look and see who wrote this witty and articulate accounting of the SATC movie. They viewed my profile.

So, Thank You.

I'm working on the next post, I have a few ideas swirling around up in the ol' noggin', I hope by the end of today they will solidify into something worth posting for my growing and greatly appreciated audience!

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