Tuesday, May 13, 2008

What's in a Profile? #2

I finally did it folks, I wrote my brief but revealing profile.

I figured if people are reading my posts, they already know quite a bit about me, so I didn't want to go overboard. I still think it's not about me, it's about the stories. I do understand though, I mean, I always read the author profiles on the back flap of the dustcover of every book I read. I never know what interesting fact I may find or what I may have in common with the author. Sometimes there is a clue as to where the story comes from. Sometimes there is a little known very personal fact, like a nickname.


Anonymous said...

Green or Black Olives?

meandering said...

Giant Black with the pits still in, or giant green stuffed with garlic are my favorites, but any olive will do, thanks for asking!