Sunday, July 13, 2008

Prolific Writer Stalls

You may have noticed that in the past month I have posted less than usual. You may be thinking I'm running out of fresh ideas. My bubble of creativity has burst. I'm a 7 month old washed up has-been.

You would be absolutely wrong!

The fact is, I now have a part-time job writing. Yes, I'm getting paid to write, and the time I spend on that job is taking away some of the time I had previously spent writing for this blog. I am what you would call a free lance writer, ghost writing for other people's blogs and web sites. Now, the pay isn't much but the job certainly is giving me some practice in writing about subjects that I know nothing about. Just like a real writer! It's also challenging me to write faster, and stay with in the guidelines for the articles I'm submitting.

So, let this be a warning to you all-so called "expert advice" on the net is not necessarily written by experts- it could be written by someone like me! Testimonials could be faked, written by people who never in their life went to that school, but happen to have extraordinary imaginations. Reviews of products and services could be written by someone who never has taken a salsa lesson but can pick up a phone and ask how much it would cost to do so, all the while sitting in front of a computer in jammies and slippers.

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